
Isolation vs. Insulation- Raising Spiritually Resilient Kids

As parents, while protecting our children from harm is a primary goal, how we prepare them to navigate life's challenges may be equally, if not more, important.

Protecting kids from negative experiences is one of the most talked about topics in parenting today. Unfortunately, in our modern society, these distressing events are becoming increasingly prevalent and wreaking havoc on the spiritual, mental, and emotional development and well-being of the next generation.

As parents, it can seem like an overwhelming task to try to isolate your children from facing such situations. The constant worry and preventative measures parents take can feel like a full-time job. Yet despite best efforts, it is estimated that, still, two in every three children will experience a potentially traumatic event before adulthood

When I read this statistic, my line of thinking began to shift dramatically. If the rate of potentially traumatic experiences was so high, how could I make sure that they did not adversely affect my children if or when they encountered them? I believe that, as parents, we will never be able to completely isolate our children from negative experiences, but we can insulate them and minimize the impact of any potentially harmful effects.

The simplest way to illustrate this point is to think about packages you receive through the mail. More and more, the boxes that arrive at my front porch are several times larger than the product inside, but the space is intricately packed with protective insulation.

Insulation is something that, by design, is intended to protect a delicate or fragile object from harm despite harsh conditions. The journey a package takes will inevitably have turbulence and some harsh conditions. But because of the care that was taken before the package was sent, the contents arrive unscathed.

Watching my kids grow up in a society that is increasingly depraved and sinful, led me to consider how parents can insulate their children from the devious attacks of the enemy so they remain emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually unharmed by life’s negative experiences.

First, I believe it is essential that parents bathe their children in prayer each and every day. Before your feet hit the floor in the morning, you must be diligent to pray the protection of Jesus over your children, their day, and their souls. The Bible says that we have a very real enemy who has one purpose: to cause harm to the children of God. In John 10:10 NIV, Jesus says, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life and have it to the full.” Jesus came to earth, died, and rose again so that we could experience a full life without living in fear and isolation. His protection is our insulation.

Secondly, parents must be vigilant to take an active role in their child’s life and pay attention to the things they hear, the things they watch, and the people they hang out with. Taking time to have intentional conversations with your children, learning about what is going on in their world, and understanding the kinds of issues they are wrestling with can help direct the focus of your prayer and allow for timely interventions if necessary.

The enemy would love nothing more than to gain a small foothold in the lives of our children. 1 Peter 5:8 likens the activity of Satan on earth to a lion searching for prey. It says, “Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour.”  Just as you would remain keenly aware of your surroundings if you knew there was a dangerous animal lurking nearby, so we must be careful not to let our guard down when it comes to acting as the spiritual gatekeeper for our homes and the minds and hearts of our children.

Finally, it is imperative that we stay in the Word, committing Scripture to memory and teaching our children to hide these sacred passages in their hearts. Isaiah 54:13-14 NLT says, “I will teach all your children, and they will enjoy great peace. You will be secure under a government that is just and fair. Your enemies will stay far away.” The promises of God, the power found in the weapon of God’s Word, and the peace that only comes from the Spirit as we meditate on Scripture, help protect our children from the anxieties, hurts, and injustices of our fallen world.

The goodness of God, the grace of His Son, and the glory of the Holy Spirit are the best we can offer our children against the world. Jesus’ death and resurrection defeated the enemy and through the practices of daily prayer, remaining alert and aware of the things surrounding our kids, and the dedication to passing down the truths of Scripture, we will raise healthy, spiritually fit men and women who are more than conquerors through Christ!