Ignite Parenting was born from a vision to empower parents and caregivers to instill their faith in their children. We offer families free, high-quality resources for nurturing your children’s spiritual life at home and on the go. Our goal is to equip families with biblical wisdom in order to build a deep, enduring faith in kids from birth through adulthood.
As part of the Assemblies of God USA, we bring a century of wisdom to every resource we offer, creating a supportive community for parents and caregivers to raise confident, faith-filled children.
Ignite Parenting values the Biblical and social fact that parents are the most influential factor in a child’s life to develop their faith and spiritual formation.
Ignite Parenting embraces the Biblical command that every child should feel nurtured and valued, surrounded by multiple generations who are invested in helping them develop a lasting faith in Jesus.
Ignite Parenting values resourcing parents and caregivers, providing them tools that encourage, equip, and empower them to instill a foundation of faith in their children.
Ignite Parenting values intergenerational support for parents and caregivers in their efforts to raise spiritually mature adults.
Ignite Parenting values the partnership of the local church to support families with a Biblical foundation that, when coupled with authentic faith in parents, will make a transformative impact in the lives of the next generation.
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