Being a grandparent provides a unique opportunity to make a lasting impact by imparting faith, wisdom, and values to the next generation.
My wife, Sherilyn, and I want to be grandparents that DO make a positive impact on our nine grandchildren!
We are two of approximately 1.5 billion grandparents in the world (according to a Google search), with about 70 million of those being in the United States. I also recently read that there are approximately 30 million Christian grandparents in the world! Incredible! What would happen if each of those grandparents intentionally committed to teaching their grandchildren about the love of Jesus Christ?
A passage in the Bible (Deut. 4:9) gives us clear instruction:
“Only be careful and watch yourselves closely so that you do not forget the things your eyes have seen or let them fade from your heart as long as you live. Teach them to your children AND to their children after them.”
I love what the late Dr. Dan Erickson writes in his book Grandfathering: Live to Leave a Legacy about practical ways to make a positive impact:
· ATTENTION – give your grandchildren your time, even if you are sometimes inconvenienced. Don’t smother them; don’t try to be their best buddy. But be there when you can. Show up for their game or recital. For grandchildren who live far away, use technology. Text them. Use Instagram to connect. Talk by FaceTime. Send a card. Be creative – give them your attention!
· AFFECTION – showing them you love them dearly by appropriate touches are vital in helping your grandchildren feel loved and accepted. Genuine affection from a Jesus-following grandparent can make a huge difference in the life of a grandchild who oftentimes lives in a hostile, angry world. There is power in a HUG!
· AFFIRMATION – take the time to listen. Ask questions. Listen. Resist the temptation to talk all the time, or to always be a fixer. Be a cheerleader for your grandchildren – they need to hear you say, “Don’t give up. God can help you be strong; He is with you! Keep going.”
My nine grandchildren, five of whom are college age, live in Colorado, Washington, Alabama, Texas, New York, and Kenya, Africa! None live in our state. But ALL of them know that on the 1st day of every month, they will receive some kind of communique from Grandpa, reminding them that he and Grammy love them dearly, and we ARE praying every day that month for them! An encouraging Bible verse will also be shared.
One final note on making a positive impact – make sure your grandchildren know God’s story in YOUR life. Ensure that your testimony of God’s grace and goodness is preserved for your grandchildren, either by video clips, short stories, written testimony, or however you creatively find a way to share your story…even after you are gone! Your legacy can live on.
Let’s make a positive impact on our grandchildren! I am convinced that IS the will of God for us as we grow older and older and older!