
Spiritual Life Hacks for Busy Parents

Your spiritual growth cannot take a backseat until the kids are out of the house. Here are five practical spiritual life hacks for busy parents on the go.

Spiritual Life Hacks for Busy Parents

The average American parents starts their day at 6 a.m. only to finally get back into bed at 10 p.m. or later. These 14-hour days often leave little room for hobbies and self-care, let alone time for spiritual growth and personal devotions. If parents do, in fact, find a few minutes of spare time, the list of undone tasks such as laundry, dinner, homework, sports games and practices, and other personal appointments often sweep in to fill the unused moments.

In a recent study from the Pew Research Center, parents reported that the role of raising children is harder than they expected. Words like overwhelmed and stressed are used more and more frequently by caregivers today. The world has tried many solutions to alleviate the pressure parents are under, but they often only help superficially.

When we look to Scripture, we see that Matthew 11:28 says, "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest."

It may seem like one more thing to add, but when you prioritize your spiritual life, you will be lightening your load by casting your burdens and cares onto Jesus.

Spiritual growth cannot take a backseat until the kids are out of the house. Instead, as busy parents, we can deepen our faith and continue to nurture our spirits by finding creative ways to incorporate things during our day that draw us closer to Him.

5 Spiritual Life Hacks for Busy Parents

  1. Giving thanks in everyday moments. Busy parents often have "tunnel vision" when it comes to life's mundane, everyday moments. Things such as taking our the trash, washing the dishes, helping kids with homework, or driving to the grocery store are missed opportunities to give an offering of thanks to the Lord. When you take out the trash, thank the Lord for all that He provides. When you're washing the dishes, thank Him for the blessing of food. When you're helping your kids with homework, whisper a prayer of thanks for blessing you with children and the opportunity to help them when they need you. And when you are driving to the store, thank the Lord for the ability to buy food, for His protection when you travel, and for the people you have with you on the errand.1 Thessalonians 5:18 NIV "Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus."

  2. Find an Audio Bible. The busyness of parents often leads to racing thoughts and mentally juggling multiple things at once. However, the practice of meditating daily on scripture can give your mind a break and bring refreshment to your spirit. As you sweep the floors or drive to work, or even as you get ready in the morning, take time to turn on an audio Bible and listen to a few passages of Scripture, allowing it to bless you and lift you up amidst the hurriedness of the day. Joshua 1:8 NIV "Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful."

  3. Worship Music During the Evening. When the kids get home from school it is often one of the busiest times of day for parents. Between making dinner, helping with homework, and shuffling the children to extracurricular activities, it can seem like a whirlwind until heads finally hit the pillow at night. But by playing worship music as a backdrop to the evening, the atmosphere change that takes place brings incredible calmness amidst the chaos. Psalm 145:1 NIV "I will exalt you, my God the King; I will praise your name for ever and ever."

  4. Wake-Up 10 Minutes Early and Read a Devotional. No one likes waking up early. With an average wake-up time of 6 a.m. for parents in America, every minute of sleep feels precious. However, by giving up a mere 10-minutes of slumber, the entire trajectory of your day can be set on the right course. Jesus modeled this idea of waking up to spend time alone with God, as seen in Mark chapter one. Giving up these few moments to commune with God is something that you will never be sorry you did. To help motivate yourself, try having a special cup of coffee or tea brewing that you can enjoy while you do your morning devotions. Mark 1:35 NIV "Very early in the morning while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed."

  5. Fall Asleep to Sermons or Biblical Podcasts. When parents lay down for the night, often they have a hard time calming their minds enough to fall asleep. Racing thoughts of the day, or the day to come, can keep busy parents awake for hours. To help focus your mind, try finding a Biblical Podcast or theologically sound preacher that you can listen to as you fall asleep. Allowing these things to minister to your soul will let your body and mind begin to relax as you rest in the truths being discussed. If you haven't checked out Ignite Podcast, we would recommend using this parenting driven resource to start your new routine. Psalm 4:8 NIV "In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, LORD, make me dwell in safety.