
Raising the Greatest Generation the Church Has Ever Seen (Part Two)

In the second half of Ignite Podcast's first episode, Rick Dubose, assistant general superintendent of the Assemblies of God, and his wife, Rita, shared from personal experience how they successfully disicpled their children through childhood, adolescence, and into adulthood.

Ignite Parenting's first podcast episode offered invaluable advice for parents and caregivers who want to begin being intentional in sharing faith filled values with their children.

In the second half of the podcast, Rick DuBose, assistant general superintendent of the Assemblies of God, and his wife, Rita, shared from personal experience how they successfully discipled their children through childhood, adolescence, and into adulthood.

Through sharing funny stories and special memories, the DuBoses offered an inside look at the spiritual practices they found most effective as parents.

When Should Parents Start Discipling Their Children

Rita shared how a parent starts the discipling process the moment their child is placed in their arms.

"As soon as you hold your child, and every time you them after, speak blessing over them, sing the Word of God over them," she said.

Then, as they grow, she advised, continue to put simple things in their life that help them realize the basic truths of Jesus' love. It doesn't have to be elaborate. In fact, Jesus' love is so simple. Let them say little prayers, tell them that Jesus loves them, read a Bible story before bed, or pray over them as they fall asleep.

How Can Parents Start Discipling Their Children Today?

For Rick, the answer is simple: affirmation. Letting kids know how proud you are of them, even in the midst of a bad decision, helps them know that they are more than their wrong choice.

When Peter started sinking as he stepped out of the boat to walk on the water toward Jesus, Jesus didn't make him feel bad or knock his character. He reached out His hand and helped Peter up, Rick reminds listeners.

Be an encourager, Rick advised parents, and be wise in how you treat your kids. You can discipline them in a right and appropriate way, but also celebrate the things they did right. Give them wins that minimize the impact on their self-esteem.

As the wrapped up the segment, Rick and Rita encouraged parents on their journey and vowed to continue to develop resources that will uniquely empower parents to raise the greatest generation for Christ that the world has ever seen. Be on the lookout for upcoming resources such as the Open When book series, Ignite Parenting Conversation Cards, regional parenting conferences, and church-led events designed to help parents make lasting, positive memories with their children while exploring God's Word together.